a firestorm of thoughtful replies, offering wisdom on everything from relationships to professional missteps to personal fulfillment were set off by Facebook executive Julie Zhou on Twitter by asking her 80,000-plus followers to share the “most important life lesson that you wish you learned ten years earlier?” 

takeaways of note:

published sampling from Jessica Stillman of practical leadership lessons contributed from those who have lived through…

1- Stick to who you are & build on it

2- Start that thing you’ve been thinking about doing NOW

3- No one else knows what they’re doing either

4- Perfect yourself & your process before criticizing your job

5- Put down the phone/technology & focus more on connecting with the people around you

6- Take people for who they really are and not who I want them to be

7- That perfect job won’t bring you life fulfillment

8- Helping others succeed is the best thing you can do for yourself and the game

9- Every attack is a cry for help

10- Spend more time thinking about the hard questions in life

11- BUDGET! And plan your own retirement

12- Write the email – Don’t send the email

13- If you don’t like where you are, move – You are not a tree