Once upon a time… the world was stable and predictable.
Renita Kalhorn, executive performance coach
Now, with Covid-19, we have a taste of what VUCA — volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity — really means and what’s in store in our future.
takeaways of note:
Deep expertise or intellectual brilliance won’t be sufficient; top performers will have to be self-starters, comfortable with the uncertainty of trial & error = High-Velocity Learners & Self-Starters…
Adaptability – rather than resources & scale, it’ll be organizations that can learn & adapt in unpredictable environments that will have a competitive advantage
Empathy – need people to buy in quickly on decisions for the greater good. They won’t do that unless they trust you have their back… hat means empathy
Curiosity – the problems we’ll face will be increasingly complex and ambiguous. Going in with predetermined solutions may prevent us from solving the right problems.