Up to a quarter of all CEOs are forced out by board members annually.
In my work with chief executives, I have found they often worry about three things:  their executive team, their leaders in the middle of the organization, and the organization’s ability to change and be engaged in the face of challenges.

Daniel Stewart, president, Stewart Leadership

3 Qs to develop CEO-type thinking to build teams, manage change, advance career & lead organizations….

Q #1:  HOW CERTAIN ARE YOU IN YOUR SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM? …identify both the individual drivers for each person and the interpersonal relationships within the group

Q #2:  HOW CERTAIN ARE YOU THAT LEADERS, AT ALL LEVELS, CAN ACHIEVE THE STRATEGY? …leaders in the middle of the organization translate strategy into day-to-day activities; support leaders at all levels to create positive & motivating experience for entire team

Q #3:  HOW CERTAIN ARE YOU IN THE ORGANIZATION’S ABILITY TO ADAPT & CHANGE? …sense of urgency & ability to sustain change; Leaders & team members at all levels need to communicate ideas, allow space for questions & information, and inspire others to move forward