As the captain of a ship amid stormy waters, leaders must concentrate on the mental and physical focus of all crew members, ensuring they can stay on course.

Tonushree Mondal, Founder & CEO, Tonushree Mondal Consulting

3 strategies to ensure org culture stays resilient and continues to mobilize business growth:

  • Ruthlessly prioritize leadership behaviors in challenging times – clearly articulate core values & leadership behaviors and expect leaders to walk the talk… recognize & suitably reward who exemplify the behaviors
  • Actively work on levers that ignite energy & excitement – Individuals are unique; different things ignite their passions. Find ways to unleash team members’ passion… when people are rightly recognized & incentivized, they can drive change
  • Create systemic breathing spaces – When we lose breathing space, we’re more likely to simply see deliverables as a checklist to complete… take a breath through wellness initiatives like health days, mindfulness sessions, and mental health support