Emotional intelligence goes beyond empathy and listening to others…
You need self-awareness, courage, the ability to tell people what they don’t want to hear… assertiveness and influence.
Sara Caroline Sabin, Leadership & Business Coach
Takeaways of Note:
How does emotional intelligence contribute to high quality leadership?…
1. EQ is linked to high performance… 90% of top performers were high EI with higher average income per year
2. Relatively few leaders high in EQ are in senior leadership positions… golden opportunity for companies looking to be future intelligent & competitive
3. EQ leaders lead higher performing teams… “psychological safety” created by the leader is necessary for teams to grow, improve & learn… feeling safe that leaders are on their side = more creative & productive
4. EQ leaders know their customer… understand what customers really want, need & value – see them on a very human level
Bonus Nugget
“It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but…they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions.” -Daniel Goleman