becoming an authentic leader is a journey that’s highly individual…
means developing a leadership style that is genuine to you as a person… starts with getting to know yourself
Kevin Kruse, Founder+CEO
takeaways of note:
1- Create a self-reflection practice… i.e. “What are you noticing about yourself?” “How are you showing up?” “What is bringing you energy?” “What is causing you stress?”
2- Cultivate routines that center & ground you… (1) Consider daily activities to care for your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health; (2) Take caution re: habits in opposition to how you naturally function best
3- Enlist tools… myriad of assessments to help people understand what makes them “tick” (DiSC, Clifton Strengths, Myers–Briggs, Enneagram, etc.)
Can help put words to motivations and gain deeper insight into strengths & weaknesses. Also helps understand how to communicate more effectively with individuals, based on personality type & work style
4- Ask for feedback.. become more self-aware of the shortcomings you’re not conscious of and learn to see yourself the way others do – asking others for this feedback is essential