Becoming more mentally tough is a personal necessity if you hope to achieve your own goals or lead others in achieving theirs… By appealing to the research, you can discern what habits consistently lead to mental strength and resilience

Tony Ewing, entrepreneur

takeaways of note:

Habits to cultivate for leadership growth & mental strength…

1- Deal with your own weaknesses & don’t judge others – research shows judging & criticizing others establishes & increases our “bias blind spot.” Instead, 1) catch self before passing judgment, 2) avoid even slightest criticism of others to gain clarity of perception, 3) go the extra step & ask, “Could I be seeing in this person, my own problem?”

2- Don’t trust your own thinking – know at outset there are other valid points of view & ours might even be invalid… doesn’t mean we lack confidence or conviction; it means we refrain from conclusions based on assumptions & emotions

3- Don’t pity yourself – for every excuse created, we clone a mental “voice” that constantly nags whenever facing difficulty… by stopping the self-pity, we gradually rid ourselves of goal-destroying ‘voices”

4- Show pity towards others – research = humankind’s development is on the order of survival of the kindest… meaning, empathy & sympathy are more necessary for human survival than acrimonious pursuit of survival, self-interest & the pursuit of personal gain

5- Understand fear & how to control it‘self-distance’ by stepping away from a situation …responding quickly & haphazardly to a crisis is typically more dangerous than a delayed, more thoughtful response