While, certainly, you’re different from an organization, you can learn a lot from some of the principles in business strategy to create a strategic life… This puts you in a better position to control events rather than have them control you.

Graham Kenny, CEO, Strategic Factors

5 steps to applying the tricks of business to achieve a more strategic & happier life…

  • Take Time to Reflect – get away from the “busyness”…think of it as your personal strategy retreat.
  • Recognize Your Dependencies – think of the people in our personal relationships as our “stakeholders” …identify & nurture key relationships.
  • Plan – plan short-term & long-term …if we don’t have a “list”, we’re an item on someone else’s list.
  • Maintain Focus – put away the distractions and allow time to think.
  • Be Ready to Alter Course – engage in continuous improvement to keep up with change; it’s a fine line between stubbornly sticking to plan and being easily distracted… with a clear purpose we can become strategic.