there is research that can help you determine whether you can salvage your current job or whether the mismatch between you and your current position is so great that you need to look for a new one.

time management coach; Founder, Real Life E Time Coaching & Speaking; author

takeaways of note:

6 areas that can lead to burnout & practical steps to attempt to remedy…

1. Workload – assess how you’re planning workload, prioritizing work, delegating tasks, saying no, & letting go of perfectionism

2. Perceived lack of control step back & ask, “What’s causing me to feel this way?” Then ask what you can do to shift the situation

3. Reward – which intrinsic & extrinsic rewards make what you’re doing worth it? Is there opportunity to receive more of those rewards within current work environment?

4. Community – help build support & trust among colleagues (ask others about their day – and really listen; express appreciation; communicate something difficult in respectful way)

5. Fairness – start by speaking up (i.e. request to be mentioned as a contributor, to give part of a presentation, for additional time & resources, etc.)

6. Values Mismatch ask, “How are decisions made & resources invested?” “Do I feel good about those underlying motivations? Do they seem open to change?”

Bonus Nugget

Burnout isn’t simply about being tired. It’s a multifaceted issue that requires a multifaceted solution.

Before you quit, really think through what exactly is contributing to your burnout and attempt to make changes.