takeaways of note:

Centralized power and decision-making control is out. Shared leadership is in. 7 lessons for the age of shared leadership:

1. Find answers within your team – don’t need to look externally; the best resources are likely within your org;

2. Invert the pyramid to serve – 1st serve, strengthen & honor the individual;

3. Become the change you want to see –  we don’t change others; we change ourselves, from the inside out;

4. Localize and shrink the center – the individual, not the corporate center, is the focus of attention;

5.  Listen for understanding, not judgment – when others feel respected and heard, they enter a new zone of comfort and security;

6. Practice restraint – restraint is the opposite of overreaching;

7. Broaden the mission – become an engine of social change.

Marcel Schwantes, Founder and Chief Human Officer, Leadership From the Core @MarcelSchwantes