Try a lot of things, and as long as you stop doing the ones that aren’t working and put more investment into the kind of stuff that is, you’ll be onto something.
Chris Hyams as noted by Jason Nazar, Co-Founder/CEO of Comparably, and ENTREPRENEUR LEADERSHIP NETWORK VIP
takeaways of note:
Chris Hyams Leadership Lessons…
1. There’s no magical formula for success that works every time
2. Much of what a leader comes to rely on is scar tissue
3. You don’t have to be the best at everything
4. Rather than “designing for failure,” be more open & experimental
5. It’s important to have some anchors that won’t change, because everything else likely will
6. Don’t regret the decisions you’ve already made
7. Don’t let fear of failure lead to rigidity
8. The two patron saints for entrepreneurs are Don Quixote & Mr. Spock