If we do not believe that emotions play an important part in life, or that there is no place for them in the workplace, EI won’t make much of a difference.
Using a more emotionally intelligent approach in a situation sometimes takes courage, persistence, and patience …leaders need to believe it is worth the time and effort
Dr. Cary Cherniss & Dr. Cornelia W. Roche
takeaways of note:
9 points of advise offered to leaders in the published book Leading With Feeling! and expounded upon in Kevin Kruse’s above-linked interview with the authors:
- Monitor the emotional climate
- Express your feelings to motivate others
- Consider how your own behavior influences others’ emotions
- Put yourself in others’ shoes
- Decipher the underlying emotional dynamics of a situation
- Reframe how you think about the situation
- Create optimal interpersonal boundaries
- Seek out others for help in managing emotions
- Help others develop their emotional intelligence abilities