by ReachForYourBest | Jul 27, 2020 |
Costs of these 3 most common traps can be very high and impact everyone in the organization.MARTIN ZWILLING, FOUNDER AND CEO, STARTUP PROFESSIONALS@STARTUPPRO 1. Anchoring – dominating conversations and leading with strong opinions that others must then argue...
by ReachForYourBest | Jul 23, 2020 |
Great leaders put their character on full display. (They) rise to the occasion with great courage by carving out the time to be there for their people–showing up in the trenches in times of uncertainty and putting their character on full display.MARCEL...
by ReachForYourBest | Jul 22, 2020 |
Most limits are self-imposed. The difference between good and great comes from pushing yourself beyond them.JEFF HADEN, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, INC. Premise of The 40 Percent Rule (popularized by Dave Goggins through Jesse Itzler’s book Living With a Seal) is...
by ReachForYourBest | Jul 15, 2020 |
The single biggest decision you make in your job — bigger than all the rest — is whom you name manager. When you name the wrong person manager, nothing fixes that bad decision. Not compensation, not benefits — nothing.Gallup CEO Jim Clifton Full...
by ReachForYourBest | Jul 7, 2020 |
Motivation isn’t a character trait. It’s a state of mind.Matt Granados, author, speaker and co-founder of Life Pulse Inc Read at Where to Start: Understand 2 motivators that aren’t sustainable, or just don’t work …...
by ReachForYourBest | Jul 6, 2020 |
Good leaders establish standards and guidelines and then give the autonomy and independence to work the way they work best within those guidelines…. turning “have to” into “want to”JEFF HADEN, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR,...