With the reorganizing of the workplace and introduction of hybrid and remote work for many organizations, evolving priorities for employees, increased job-switching and burnout, managers are more critical to organizational performance than ever.

Calvin Coffee, associate editor, BetterWork Media Group

Why companies should invest in coaching support:

Changing roles(1) Zoom meetings bring people together, but they miss out on many aspects of work, like unsaid things between meetings or informal cues in office interactions that are crucial to learning; (2) the increased demand on employee satisfaction, well-being & fostering connection largely falls to managers who often receive less support themselves.

Put me in, coach!(1) many who have gone through coaching often wish they’d had it far earlier in career when habits & norms were more fluid; (2) coaching/mentoring is a way to hold a mirror up and help people understand what’s working for them & their style, and where they might have opportunities to evolve.

Trickle up work-o-nomics(1) managers who receive coaching/mentoring support are more likely to invest in developing their team’s capabilities; (2) research has shown coaching improves motivation, retention, quality, team learning & job performance… speeding up decision-making, reducing burnout, increasing inclusion, helping with individual needs & incorporating organization’s larger goals.

Managers of the future(1) shift of managers from a “command & control” to “coach”; (2) democratization of coaching can facilitate belonging & engagement, more meaningful connections among teams & peers.