One problem is that leaders think about collaboration too narrowly: as a value to cultivate but not a skill to teach… widespread respect for colleagues’ contributions, openness to experimenting with others’ ideas, and sensitivity to how one’s actions may affect both colleagues’ work and the mission’s outcome.
Francesca Gino, behavioral scientist, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, author
Takeaways of Note:
6 techniques to enable leaders & teams to work well together and learn from one another:
1. Teach People to Listen, Not Talk… a) ask expansive questions, b) focus on the listener, not on self, c) engage in “self-checks”, d) be comfortable with silence
2. Train People to Practice Empathy… a) expand others’ thinking, b) look for the unspoken
3. Help People be More Comfortable with Feedback… a) discuss feedback aversion openly, b) make feedback about others’ behavior direct, specific & applicable, c) give feedback on feedback, d) add a “plus” to others’ ideas, e) provide live coaching
4. Teach People to Lead AND Follow… a) increase self-awareness, b) learn to delegate
5. Speak with Clarity & Avoid Abstractions… our words carry more weight when more concrete & when providing vivid images of goals… and our statements are subsequently judged more truthful
6. Train People for Win-Win Interactions… transparency allows exploration of each person’s vision of a “win”; and, ultimately, gets more-favorable results