Takeaways of Note:
What Is a Coaching CULTURE?
Organizations have a coaching CULTURE when people, especially leaders, are holding better conversations re: both the practical & personal needs of the Team.
What Are the Benefits of Creating a Coaching CULTURE?
1- much stronger bench strength
2- able to promote more leaders internally
3- more likely to have a pipeline of talent to fill roles immediately
4- leaders have a deeper understanding of future career paths (key to retaining leadership talent)
5- more satisfaction with advancement (key to retaining leadership talent)
The Steps to Creating a Coaching Culture
1. Get senior-level support
2. Give all leaders coaching skills
3. Encourage the application of coaching skills
4. Create accountability
How to Overcome the Challenges of Creating a Coaching Culture
1. Encourage stakeholder support
2. Highlight & reward the good
3. Clearly explain the benefits
4. Don’t make coaching an evaluation tool
5. Promote coaching as a mindset