No one can be authentic by trying to imitate someone else. You can learn from others’ experiences, but there is no way you can be successful when you are trying to be like them.

People trust you when you are genuine and authentic

Bill George, Peter SimsAndrew N. McLean and Diana Mayer

takeaways of note:

lessons from interviewing 125 leaders to describe how people become authentic leaders…

1- Learn from Your Life Story your personal narrative matters, not the mere facts of your life. Your life narrative is a permanent playing in your head… frame these events to rise above

2- Know Your Authentic Self courage & honesty to open up, listen to feedback & examine experiences. Denial can be greatest hurdle in becoming self-aware

3- Practice Your Values & Principlesvalues tested under fire enables principles for leading… what’s most important, what you’re prepared to sacrifice, what trade-offs you’re willing to make

4- Balance Your Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivations(1) be wary of getting caught up in social, peer, or parental expectations; (2) at some point, most leaders recognize need to address more than accumulating material possessions to pursue truly meaningful success

5- Build Your Support Team – (1) for affirmation, advice, perspective, and calls for course corrections when needed; (2) multifaceted, built over time with spouses/significant others, families, mentors, close friends & colleagues; (3) leaders who can rely on unconditional support are more likely to accept themselves for who they really are

6- Integrate Your Life by Staying Groundedspend time with families & close friends, get physical exercise, engage in spiritual practices, do community service, return to the places where you grew up

7- Empower People to Lead it’s not about personal success or loyal subordinates; it’s about empowering leaders at all levels… inspiring & empowering those around us to step up & lead

Bonus Nuggets

These findings are extremely encouraging: You do not have to be born with specific characteristics or traits of a leader… do not have to wait for a tap on the shoulder… do not have to be at the top of your organization. Instead, you can discover your potential right now.

No individual achievement can equal the pleasure of leading a group of people to achieve a worthy goal.