A tight connection between purpose, strategy, and culture is critically important …as leaders, we can shape our companies’ cultures faster and more profoundly than generally thought.
Hubert Joly, former chairman & CEO, Best Buy
3 levers to profoundly shape an effective culture:
Business levers – changes in business operation can shape a company culture (i.e. refocusing on fixing customer pain points)
Management levers – structures, processes, and rules can shape culture (i.e. who, how, why, etc.)
“Human Magic” levers – create an environment in which people are eager & able to fully give energy & talent to the Team’s purpose (1-meaning, 2-human connections, 3-autonomy, 4-psychological safety, 5-mastery, 6-growth mindset)
Bonus Nugget
“In a world that’s now particularly volatile, uncertain, and complex, crafting and pursuing a top-down and linear strategy is rather pointless… being guided by our purpose and some key principles — a way to describe culture — and then doing our best was going to work better than hoping we had a clairvoyant strategy we could predictably execute”