The majority of professional people wildly overvalue their cognitive capabilities — rational thought, logic, fact-gathering and analysis — over their other innate talents… The best leaders draw on every intelligence available to them.
Erica Ariel Fox, senior advisor to CEOs, lecturer at Harvard Law School, New York Times bestselling author
Takeaways of Note:
Inner Intelligence within each of us includes Cognitive Skills, Intuition, Emotion & Willpower – “The Thinker”, “The Dreamer”, “The Lover” & “The Warrior”. And each is needed…
1- Tap More of Your Inner Intelligence…
The Thinker powers up through reason, gathers the facts & looks for answers… objectively assessing based on benchmarks.
The Dreamer draws strength from intuition …imagining the future unconstrained. It’s our gut instinct telling us to take a chance before we have data to prove it.
The Lover energizes with emotion & empathy. It’s the voice connecting us with the people around us, builds our relationships & repairs them. It takes emotional intelligence to recruit, hire & develop people to their highest potential.
The Warrior gets its energy from willpower …emboldening us to push forward to achieve goals; it seals the deal, delivers on promises and gives us firmness to stand for our values & speak up for our team
2- Our True Genius Combines Intuition, Reason, Emotion and Willpower
Whatever your default is — Dreamer, Thinker, Lover or Warrior — to grow as a leader, recognize the other intelligences and allow them to have their say.
Bonus Nugget
We need…
– The Dreamer (in all of us) to imagine possibilities
– The Lover (in all of us) to communicate effectively
– The Warrior (in all of us) to take action
…The Thinker (in all of us) can guide decision-making best by tapping the wisdom of our full inner team.