All leaders arrive with some blemishes on their personalities… You already face plenty of obstacles to bringing (your) aspirations to life in the competitive landscape and within your company. Be sure that one of those obstacles isn’t you.
Ron Carucci & David Lancefield
Takeaways of Note:
4 identified Personality Flaws of leaders (mitigating actions leaders can take are in linked article):
1- The Overconfident, Chronically Certain Leader – tendency to overpromise & develop unrealistic strategies; myopic & can be oblivious to impact of longer-term trends, complex dynamics, and disruption from new entrants… in the process, they create unnecessary anxiety for the Team
2- The Impulsive Leader – “shiny object syndrome”; can’t resist a new idea or latest fad; crave the adrenaline rush of pioneering what’s not been done; tend to speak in flashy, hyperbolic declarations… in the process, they exhaust their Teams, overcommit resources, and overpromise to customers & shareholders
3- The Rigidly Controlling Leader – everything & everyone works in a prescribed way; struggles to accommodate novel or nontraditional views… in the process, they silence the Team’s voices, producing low-risk, barely incremental strategies – cowering from trying anything new, making change much slower
4- The Insecure Leader – paralyzing sense of self-doubt; worries about what others think of them; can be overly accommodating & nice… in the process, end up with “analysis paralysis” and endless mitigation efforts for risks only they can see – referring to past failures as basis of their risk concerns