Takeaways of Note:
4 identified Personality Flaws of leaders (mitigating actions leaders can take are in linked article):
1- The Overconfident, Chronically Certain Leader – tendency to overpromise & develop unrealistic strategies; myopic & can be oblivious to impact of longer-term trends, complex dynamics, and disruption from new entrants… in the process, they create unnecessary anxiety for the Team
2- The Impulsive Leader – “shiny object syndrome”; can’t resist a new idea or latest fad; crave the adrenaline rush of pioneering what’s not been done; tend to speak in flashy, hyperbolic declarations… in the process, they exhaust their Teams, overcommit resources, and overpromise to customers & shareholders
3- The Rigidly Controlling Leader – everything & everyone works in a prescribed way; struggles to accommodate novel or nontraditional views… in the process, they silence the Team’s voices, producing low-risk, barely incremental strategies – cowering from trying anything new, making change much slower
4- The Insecure Leader – paralyzing sense of self-doubt; worries about what others think of them; can be overly accommodating & nice… in the process, end up with “analysis paralysis” and endless mitigation efforts for risks only they can see – referring to past failures as basis of their risk concerns