If competent leadership were the norm, we would not live in a world with dismal employee engagement levels, depressed levels of trust in governments, politicians & institutions… and little overall confidence in corporate leaders.
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Takeaways of Note:
Make leadership selection more meritocratic – based upon actual potential for leadership. Even then, a good leader is always a work in progress…
1) Pay attention to negative feedback… fulfill potential by mitigating defects and flaws, which often can be seen thru negative feedback
2) Be more self-critical… If can see our own flaws before others do, we have opp to fix them or compensate for them before it’s too late.
3) Be more humble… the most effective leaders are not insecure, but they keep their egos in check
4) Measure and track progress… (a) higher levels of team engagement & performance; (b) better feedback from others; (c) wider measures of positive impact on organization; (d) acquiring new expertise & skills