What we see (our role models) shapes what we think is possible.
Brigid Schulte, director of the Better Life Lab at New America, & author
Perhaps the more we hear stories of leaders… with both time to do great work and live a great life, people may start believing it’s possible.
Takeaways of Note:
To stand up to status quo pressures & make work-life balance a priority, 3 relationships cultivate…
With Team… Learning to Work Differently – “If you have a structure that allows people some flexibility, they will produce better results for the organization.”
With Self… Believing in Your Plan and Speaking up – “I’m not sure when I first asked if I thought it would be successful. I learned I needed to speak up. That just because something didn’t exist meant maybe nobody had ever thought about it.”
With Family… Making a Plan to Put Family First – Being clear on family priorities, routinely talking them through & planning together as a family have been keys to making work & family life work.