To be a successful leader, you must become an expert in how to help others grow and develop… Your job as a leader is not to blaze a path alone. It is to inspire your team to move forward together.

Scott Taylor

The process of intentional change:

1- Encouragement to find ideal self— who they want to become or what they want to do (not what they feel obligated or expected to be)

2- Help team members identify real selves — their values, strengths & weaknesses, personality & more.

3- Guide them to develop a learning agenda— concrete steps to close gap between real and ideal self by harnessing their strengths

4- Experimentation & Practice — try out a “provisional self” by practicing the actions to move them closer to ideal selves.

5- Trusting Relationships — lasting change is most likely with a trusting, supportive relationship between an individual & coach

Bonus Nugget

We are most likely to achieve this intrinsic motivation when  basic needs are satisfied: autonomy (a sense of being self-directed), relatedness (a sense of connection with and care for and from others) and competence (a sense of self-confidence in our words and actions).