the biggest lesson has somehow been lost: that senior leaders themselves must clear time from their schedules and make room in their mental bandwidth for questioning and exploring, visioning and discovering

takeaways of note:

Look Beyond the Present i.e. Terence Mauri’s “triple focus,” – (1) Learn from past; (2) Manage present; (3) Plan for future

Process of Envisioning identify potential inflection points in your industry & their likely timeframe (the early signals of disruption); then develop a broader picture of that environment (Mark W. Johnson, cofounder Innosight)

Translate Vision into a Strategic Plan vision into value & talk into action; move from control to co-creation – communicate & engage everyone in the organixation

Instill visionary thinking into processes & culture... culture will change if Boards & senior leaders (1) think about the future, (2) invest in the future, (3) promote & reward based upon long-range thinking, and (4) constantly communicate a future vision