If you start paying less and less attention to what makes you you — your talents, beliefs, and values — and start conforming to what others may or may not think, you’ll harm your potential.
Michael Gervais, co-founder, Compete to Create & host, Finding Mastery.
Takeaways of Note:
Fear of other people’s opinions (FOPO) is part of the human condition. Ways to dampen the intensity of your stress responses…
1- Guide self toward confidence-building statements… focus on your skills & abilities rather than others’ opinions
2- Cultivate more self-awareness… need a strong, deep sense of who you are
3- Develop a personal philosophy… express your basic beliefs & values and commit to live by its tenets
4- Solicit feedback from a short list of people who matter to you… people who have a great sense of the person you are & the person you’re working to become
bonus nugget:
Most of all, remember that growth and learning take place when you’re operating at the edge of your capacity. Like blowing up a nearly inflated balloon, living in accordance with your personal philosophy will require more effort and power, but, the result, which is to authentically and artistically express who you are, will push you to live and work with more purpose and meaning.