Having to tell someone that they’re not meeting their work standards can get awkward fast…
Confrontation about shortcomings is much easier when it’s done with a shared vision, clear expectations, and a plan to move forward

Sabina Nawaz, global CEO coach, leadership keynote speaker, and writer

5 collaborative steps for performance improvement conversations:

1- Ask before telling – ask how team member thinks they’re doing on their goals and ask them to list key metrics & examples by which they measure their performance… Know how closely your perceptions are aligned

2- Clarify non-negotiables – provide a list of clear expectations and outline areas that are not negotiable

3- Connect to the employee’s goals – motivate Team members to improve performance by tying to something they want

4- Describe specific behaviors – be clear about issues by describing specific, observed examples & behaviors… it’s harder to argue with behavioral feedback when it’s based on observable acts

5- Craft a plan together – wrap up by asking how they plan to bring their performance back on track… fill in the gaps based on what they share, and agree on a timeline & communication plan