You don’t need time to have a good idea, you need space…. It takes zero time to have an innovative idea or to make a decision, but if you don’t have psychic space, those things are not necessarily impossible, but they’re suboptimal.
David Allen, productivity consultant, author, creator – “Getting Things Done“
takeaways of note:
In survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success… and yet in another study, a full 96% of leaders said they lacked time for strategic thinking.
Be aware of disincentives to making time for strategy and proactively embed strategic thinking into life & professional schedule:
1- Remember that strategic thinking doesn’t necessarily require large amounts of time; it’s not about sabbaticals or leadership retreats
2- Be clear on where your time is actually going
3- Let go of the “busy” = “important” myth and adopt another frame that’s more conducive to strategic thinking
Dorie Clark, author, marketing strategist & professional speaker, professor, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
Bonus Nuggets:
“One might argue, true status comes from having the discretion to opt out of the frenzy.”
“Tethering yourself to your desk may help you power through more emails, but it’s rarely a recipe for innovative strategic thinking.”