If you want to genuinely employ effective emotional intelligence skills, pay attention to the unaddressed scars and voids lurking beneath the surface of your inner emotional landscape.

Tend to those honestly & carefully, and you’ll better be able to maintain credibility & strong relationships with others.

Ron Carucci, co-founder & managing partner, Navalent, and best-selling author

3 counterfeits that can snare well-intended leaders…

A need to be the ‘Hero’ disguised as ‘Empathy – when expressions of care turn to rescuing from a difficult situation, it stops being compassionate and becomes selfish (indulging a codependent need to feel central to someone else’s success takes away the other person’s power, making them weaker instead of stronger).

A need to ‘Be Right’ masquerading as ‘Active Listening’ – suppressing your strong views to appear as if you’re engaging others doesn’t work. People are more likely to believe you’re open to hearing their ideas if they feel you’ve been straightforward about yours. If you have strong views or a critical agenda, own it. It doesn’t mean you don’t care what others think.

A need for ‘Approval’ dressed up as ‘Self-Awareness’when fueled by a desire for approval, self-awareness can warp into self-involvement. Every leader is insecure about something – self-aware leaders face that insecurity head on, and don’t put the burden of soothing it on others.