It’s pretty simple really. If you make a choice from among several reasonable choices in your business, some of your team members or stakeholders will likely conclude you’ve made the wrong choice.
takeaways of note:
call “Failure to Commit” what it is: a toxic mindset (although one that reflects such basic, human, emotional needs that it’s hard to condemn people for it)
Bezos’ simple 3-word phrase to overcome it… “Disagree and commit.”
Disagree – “consensus” isn’t the goal; it’s to review facts & make decisions… by putting “disagree” right into the decision-making goal, team members have option to go on record, record opposition, & move on to helping the team.
and – it’s just a conjunction; there’s a second component
Commit – makes clear that the goal isn’t agreement, it’s concerted, coordinated action; it’s also an implicit promise from the members of your team who might have disagreed…Commitment over consensus