Most organizations pay far more attention to strategy and execution than they do to what their people are feeling and thinking when they’re asked to embrace a transformation. Resistance, especially when it is passive, invisible, and unconscious, can derail even the best strategy.
Tony Schwartz, author & CEO of The Energy Project
Takeaways of Note:
Transforming a business or team includes transforming individuals – beginning with the most senior leaders’ & influencers’ potential “immunity to change”.
Series of guided questions for leaders:
1- “What am I not seeing?
2- “What else is true?”
3- “What is my responsibility in this situation?”
4- “How is my perspective being influenced by my fears?”
Bonus Nuggets
Great strategy remains foundational to transformation, but successful execution also requires surfacing and continuously addressing the invisible reasons that people and cultures so often resist changing, even when the way they’re working isn’t working.
Resistance tends to arise from what people think & feel…
– Cognitively from fixed beliefs, deeply held assumptions & blind spots
– Emotionally from the fear & insecurity stirred by change