When you see people who have transitioned successfully to a new phase and invested in something they deeply care about, sometimes for the first time in their lives, it is an inspiring sight.
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO, 20-first
Takeaways of Note:
4 skills to get better at transitioning…
Pacing & planning – longevity means that, more than ever, we need to plan for change.
Leaving gracefully – we can spend a lot of time loitering unproductively, wondering whether we should stay or go… but good endings are the best building blocks to good beginnings.
Letting the inside out – Self-knowledge is a hard-won reward… what part of ourselves might be waiting, hidden in the wings? What have we most enjoyed to date? What kind of people energize us, and what kind of environments shut us down?
Letting the outside in – feedback from the outside world… what do others most appreciate about us? What have we done or worked on that elicits the best responses, the most appreciation or follow-up? When, where, and with whom did we feel most alive?
Bonus Nuggets:
Choosing to choose gives us agency. Embrace confusion, ambiguity, & questions.
The freedom that comes from aligning with ourself is profound. Neither fame nor fortune can feed the unsatisfied soul.
Do we love where we are, or do we fear leaving it for a murky unknown? The latter is a lousy place from which to live, but many of us stay stuck here. Who would I be without this title, this salary, or this position? It can be an exciting question, not a scary one.