Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has been projected to trend by 2022 as one of the top 10 job skills required for workers to thrive, according to the World Economic Forum.

…exercising your EQ helps you understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within his or her frame of reference, as we face new realities together.

Marcel Schwantes, Founder & Chief Human Officer, Leadership From the Core, @MarcelSchwantes

takeaways of note:

Yes’ or ‘No’… 6 Qs to ask and to better understand about ourselves

1- Are you aware of your feelings & why you feel that way?

2- Are you aware of your limitations, as well as your personal strengths?

3- Can you manage your distressing emotions well & recover quickly when you get upset or stressed?

4- Do you keep your focus on your main goals, & know the steps it takes to get there?

5- Can you usually sense the feelings of the people you interact with & understand their way of seeing things?

6- Can you guide a tough conversation to a satisfactory agreement & help settle conflicts?