Like a doctor with an ill patient, the change leader needs to accurately diagnose and solve issues associated with change to enable good organizational health.

Daniel Stewart, President, Stewart Leadership, author

1. No Vision→ Confusion “Why”… clearly state why the change is important.
2. No Skills & Resources→ Anxiety “Can’t Do It”… teams can be told what to do, but if they don’t have the new skills/training and the necessary resources… ☹
3. No Engagement→ Slow Change “What’s In It For Me?”… (1) show, not just describe, how team will be better off; (2) listen & adjust to concerns & feedback; (3) regard resistance as opp to learn – not to lecture or disdain.
4. No Leadership→ False Starts “Who Decides?”… clarify up front who approves, launches, vetoes, & alters the change effort.
5. No Planning & Action→ Roadblocks “More Rework”… clear milestones, assigned actions, and even a few contingency plans can reduce rework & obstacles; spend a little more time on the front end.
6. No Measurement→ No Learning “What Progress?”… what gets measured, gets attention; Measure: (1) adoption of the change (2), utilization of the change & (3) engagement of those implementing the change.