Managing people doesn’t just mean… well, managing people.
…You’re in control of somebody’s future, their salary, their growth. That can’t be managed, that can only be nourished and supported.

– Rob Gaedkte, president & CEO, KPS3

8 responsibilities that matter when leading people…

1- Teach & grow your Team in areas they need growth in

2- Make sure Team knows they can come to you with any issue

3- Provide instant feedback

4- Give timely & thoughtful reviews

5- Know where they want to be in 5 years

6- Watch their work & give advice to make it better

7- Give pay increases & bonuses

8- Know that in the end, you might have to let them go

Bonus Nugget

“Managing people” requires much more than a set of rules or “if they do this, then you do this” guidelines. It requires a clear understanding of your team’s hopes, dreams, goals (personal & professional)… even their kids’ names.