The world doesn’t stand still while we plan… Your strategic plan is an essential device in navigating disruption’s headwinds.
Graham Kenny, CEO, Strategic Factors
Takeaways of Note:
Few principles for strategic planning:
1-Think of the plan as a guidance tool – be comfortable with fluidity & uncertainty; don’t give up as things change rapidly
2- Look for disagreements & toward the future – surface disagreements that may otherwise remain hidden; the very process of preparing the plan has Team thinking about the future and assembling resources
3- Focus on the organization & key stakeholders, not individual actions – Business strategy operates at the corporate level while action functions at the individual level… a plan can’t be “strategic” if it’s simply about action by individuals
4- Assume the plan is a work in progress – keep the plan fresh; a living & breathing document guiding decision making & helping to marshal resources
Bonus Nuggets
“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” – U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower
“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.” – Winston Churchill