Every organization has a culture, for better or worse. With effort and persistence, you can ensure your organizational culture is pushing you forward, not holding you back.

Tracy L. Lawrence, founder & CEO of The Lawrence Advisory

  • Adhocracy Culture: Innovation, flexibility, and dynamic problem-solving
  • Clan Culture: Internal focus & integration, collaboration, trust, and team well-being
  • Hierarchy Culture: Stability, control & internal efficiency, formalized procedures & clear organizational structures
  • Market Culture: Competitiveness &  achievement, external positioning, and results-oriented goals

Bonus Nugget:

According to the pollsters at Gallup, employees who feel strongly connected to their organization’s culture are:

  • More than 3x as likely as their peers to be engaged at work
  • More than 5x as likely to recommend their organization to potential employees
  • 68% less likely to regularly feel burned out at work
  • 55% less likely to be actively looking for another job

Those numbers add to one clear conclusion: leaders should be aware of and actively shape culture to align with business goals and values.