To some degree we are all capable of forming views and interpreting evidence.
What we need, of course, is good judgment.
Sir Andrew Likierman, professor, London Business School; director, Times Newspapers & the Beazley Group
takeaways of note:
Informing Our Judgment — 6 practices to adopt, skills to cultivate, & relationships to build:
Learning… Listen Attentively, Read Critically
Trust… Seek Diversity, Not Validation
Experience… Make It Relevant but Not Narrow
Detachment… Identify, and then challenge, Biases
Options… Question the Solution Set Offered
Delivery… Factor in the Feasibility of Execution…practical suggestions to improve on each of the above are offered in the full article.
Bonus Nugget:
Leaders with . . .
– Ambition but no judgment… run out of money
– Charisma but no judgment… lead their followers in the wrong direction
– Passion but no judgment… hurl themselves down the wrong paths
– Drive but no judgment… get up very early to do the wrong things