There are only eight hours in a standard work day, but it feels like you have 20 hours worth of tasks to do every day… Only by better managing your time will you be able to accomplish the greatest number of tasks in a day.
Timothy Carter, CRO,
takeaways of note:
3 tips to managing PRODUCTIVITY – (1) delegate (appropriately), (2) automate tasks, (3) manage time*
*To manage TIME optimally – rely on smaller time blocks: (1) estimate amount of time for each task, (2) group similar tasks together & (3) set days’ priorities proactively
Why “smaller time blocks” work:
– counteracts Parkinson’s Law (work has tendency to expand to fill whatever time was allocated)
– prompts awareness of how we spend time… allowing us to more effectively change habits & work environments
– opens the door to BREAKS – an oft-neglected productivity booster (breaks have a measurable positive effect by both reducing stress & increasing productivity)