Teams are complex systems of individuals with different preferences, skills, experiences, perspectives, and habits…

Effective teammates invest the time and energy needed to build these foundational skills, so they can be better at tackling the difficult business opportunities and challenges that they face.

Jennifer Porter, Managing Partner, The Boda Group

takeaways of note:

3 foundational capabilities for meaningful & sustainable improvements in our complex system called a “Team”:

1) Internal Self-Awareness – it can be learned. Take time to consider our responses & resist the impulse to rush to an answer… we can learn a great deal about ourself.

2) External Self-Awareness – understand how our words & actions impact others… observe others’ reactions and/or simply ask for specific, straightforward feedback.

3) Personal Accountability – Recognize the problem. Accept that you are part of the problem & take personal responsibility for solving. Stick with it until completely solved.