Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic about the potential for more people to become better teammates and team leaders… If the corporate world creates more skilled team leaders, companies will produce better results and employees will have more fun doing it.

Tom Brady

7 key things that great team leaders do:

  • Put the team first, always, even when facing personal adversity.
  • Show appreciation for unsung colleagues.
  • Set the standard and create a culture of 100% effort.
  • Recognize teammates’ individual psychology and the best ways to motivate them.
  • Understand and complement the style of the formal leader.
  • Recognize and counteract the external forces that can cause selfish behavior.
  • Create opportunities to connect as people outside the office.

Forces that can work for or against you and influence how much better a team can get.

  • The emotions and behaviors that define individuals are formed early.
  • Leaders work within a system.
  • It can be hard for individual team leaders to influence change across large organizations.
  • A leader’s style and influence will take time to evolve.

Bonus Nugget

A Team-Focused Philosophy – Leadership comes down to two things: (1) Do you care about your teammates and their role on the team? And (2) do you care about winning, which is what you’re ultimately trying to do together?

Leadership requires trust, and trust usually comes from deeply caring about one another and the belief that winning is about the team. You must feel passionate about both.