Are You Ready to Grow As A leader & Team?.

Where Are You Going, a growth company has put our track record of people-centered leadership and strategic growth into customized 1:1 coaching and team trainings to help you grow as a leader.

Strategic, Sustainable Growth is At Your FINGERTIPS.


We all lead and can grow in our development journeys. Growth is unique to each situation and to each person. It goes beyond academic theories or one-size-fits-all platitudes.

If you’re ready & willing to GROW and to reach for your best, we’re here to help.

WRUG & Co has already coached & trained 10,000+ leaders in strategic growth & effective leadership.


Current Top 5 Trainings requested of our Team at Where Are You Going, a growth company:

Dream Out Loud

…create the future, don’t wait for it.

The familiar adage is “Dream Big”. While there is value in that, we say, “Dream Out Loud”. We’re less concerned about how big you dream and more focused on empowering you to dream out loud… to put your visions for growth in motion by sharing them with those around you. That’s when they come to life.

Get Your Team to Where They Are Going

…leadership for team impact & results.

Leading teams has its own unique set of complexities and challenges. Getting diverse thoughts, skills, personalities, styles, preferences, motivations, etc. to collaborate and progress in unison is foundational to leadership. Our framework of vision, empowerment, accountability, and empathy can get you to where you are going.

Leadership Done Your Way

…sustainable, visionary leadership

There is not one right way to lead. Nor is there one right set of personal traits to be a leader. The key is to start with you and to adapt sustainable building blocks for a growth path forward that ends with focused & nimble visionary leadership.

'T' gets you from Here & 'T'here

The letter ‘T’ is an empowering letter for emerging and growing leaders. Truth, Transparency, Trust, Trouble-shooting, Tractable, Teamwork, and Thankful are just a few of the guiding leadership skills we dig into and emphasize for the growth journey from “here” to “there”.


our asset-based approached to growth

WRUG & Co has developed & traveled an on-RAMP to purposeful, strategic and sustainable growth. And has a track record of success.

Reason, Assets, Mindset, & Purpose represents our approach to leading through the right steps, in the right sequence, at the right pace, for the right outcomes. Get ready to optimize resources, exceed goals, and sustain impact. It’s all At Your FINGERTIPS.

For additional details of how we can customize trainings for your Team or 1:1 leadership coaching, visit