Evidence supports that if we want to ramp up our productivity and happiness, we should actually be doing less…

What can you stop doing to make more time for yourself, make more time for joy, and use your time more meaningfully? 

, best-selling author

Specific approach offered to help decide what activities on “to-do lists” bring the most value, and which to stop doing:

Step 1: Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper, lengthwise

Step 2: Identify an area of life or work where you’d like to have better results & less stress

Step 3: On left side, list your tasks or activities in that area

Step 4: On the right side, make a list of your biggest “wins” to date in that area (this can be difficult as we’re not culturally conditioned to celebrate ourselves)

Step 5: Draw a line connecting each big win to the activity or task most responsible for that result

Step 6: Circle the activities & tasks on the left side that led to the big winswhat isn’t circled, stop doing completely, significantly minimize or delegate if it absolutely must be done