At a fundamental level, all strategies boil down to 2 very broad options: (1) Do what everyone else is doing or (2) Do something no one else can do…
Andrea Ovans, senior editor, Harvard Business Review
There remain endlessly clever new ways to nudge Adam Smith’s invisible hand toward truly productive and profitable enterprises.
Takeaways of Note:
All strategies boil down to…
Do what everyone else is doing – directly compete with others providing similar
Do something no one else can do – broaden the pie/ grow the market
To “do what no one else can”, 3 basic approaches & resources:
1– Do something new
– “Blue Ocean Strategy”
– “The Art of Designing Markets”
– “Reinventing Your Business Model”
2- Build on what you already do
– “Finding Your Next Core Business“
– “Hardball: Five Killer Strategies for Trouncing the Competition“
– “Curveball: Strategies to Fool the Competition“
– “The Empire Strikes Back: Counterrevolutionary Strategies for Industry Leaders“
3- React to emerging possibilities
– “Strategy as a Portfolio of Real Options“
– “Judo Strategy“
Bonus Nugget
In the face of rapidly changing technologies, globalization, and the inexorably accelerating pace of change, there remain endlessly clever new ways to make money, beat the competition, and nudge Adam Smith’s invisible hand toward truly productive and profitable enterprises.