Successful leadership requires you to have an understanding of three things: people, process, and performance. Most leaders major in one style and minor in another …be aware of your majors and minors to build and communicate with your team in the most effective way.
Performance-oriented leaders keep team focused on goals & meeting deadlines; often action-oriented & quick decision makers.
Visit above link for how performance-oriented leaders can keep process & people in mind.
Process-oriented leaders ensure team runs smoothly & efficiently; automating tasks to make everyone’s lives easier; organizational structure is clean, people know what’s expected of them.
Visit above link for how process-oriented leaders can keep performance & people in mind.
People-oriented leaders keep team’s culture strong & ensure everyone is treated fairly; creates safe environment where employees feel supported & comfortable bringing challenges & asking for help; recognizes strengths & gives opportunities to use them.
Visit above link for how people-oriented leaders can keep performance & process in mind.