Imagine if double the number of people on your team felt like the company was going in the right direction, even in the midst of an incredibly challenging time.

Shawn Achor, author, Chief Experience Officer at BetterUp; TED talk presenter
Michelle Gielan, national CBS News anchor; author

In the midst of setbacks or challenging times, leaders should be actively encouraging positivity because it will help teams weather the storm.  Basic Tips to keep in mind…

1- Role model from the top – 1st step… show up & model the mindset yourself.

2- Help employees connect before asking them to change – people don’t typically make positive changes alone or in isolation… it’s often a collective exercise because behaviors & attitudes are reinforced when a group does it together

3- Make changes part of the routine way of doing work – it’s hard in the midst of stress to invent new ways to be positive… so create regular patterns as a team to sustain the positive (can be as simple as routinizing celebration or posting thank yous or pictures of successes)

4- Track outcomes to make the changes sustainable – if there’s no perceived change, it won’t take root as readily… positive initiatives in particular fall by the wayside in challenging times if a connection hasn’t been established between the energy required by the positive change & the desired outcomes