Instead of “Follow your passion” or “Follow your bliss,” my bumper-sticker career advice is “Follow your blisters.”
…it implies something about perseverance and struggling through tasks even though they are not always blissful.
Dan Cable (professor, London Business School)
Takeaways of Note:
ask yourself… “What kind of work do I find myself coming back to again & again, even when I don’t succeed right away, when it seems like it’s taking too long to make progress, or when I get discouraged?”
Look beyond “passion” and think about the activities that we return to… the things that always seem to get done, often reveal insight into what will fulfill us in our careers (the things we never need to be asked twice to do, are ultimately more satisfying).
“Follow your blisters” also implies that we move past the blister stage, into toughened skin… the activity “marks us” through use & practice; we develop a special competence.
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