If things are going generally well and people are heading in the right direction, deploy judo leadership, tactically redirecting their momentum.

But if people are complacent or in a crisis, counter their mood, changing their state of mind and emotions

George Bradt, Senior Contributor, Leadership Strategy

takeaways of note:

Judo Leadership

1- Think half-full… first focus on “what’s good, working, done right”.

2- Credit “what’s good, working, done right”

3- Build on that & add value (with a modification, an additional benefit, another application, etc).

4- Check back to make sure you’ve preserved their idea.

Fear of the unknown is a powerful force. Mood-countering leaders connect with people emotionally to help them commit to a new path….

Mood-countering leadership

1- Connect emotionally…. start with why they should listen to you; make it personal in a way they can relate.

2- Lay out the brutal facts… relay the current reality in a deliberate & calm way.

3- Paint a boundedly optimistic picture of the future… one in which your audience can picture themselves; and credibly possible.

4- Invite them to be part of the solution… a call-to-action to specific things they can do now; be clear on the expectations.

5- Follow-through…. not a one-time event; a series of iterative conversations.