If you set happiness as your primary goal, you can end up feeling the opposite
Susan Peppercorn, executive career transition coach & speaker
Takeaways of Note:
The Difference Between Meaning & Happiness – research conducted by psychologist Roy Baumeister:
1- Getting what you want or need – happiness correlates with “having desires satisfied”… meaning does not2- Time Frame – happiness relates to “here-&-now”… meaning seems to come from “assembling past, present, and future into some kind of coherent story”
3- Social life – “character of connections” affect the type of fulfillment they give… i.e. “helping others” leads to meaning; “others helping you” leads to happiness
4- Challenges – “stress, strife & struggles” reduce happiness… but seem to contribute to a meaningful life
5- Personal Identity – actions or activities that “express the self” are important to meaning… but are “mostly irrelevant” to happiness
bonus nugget – How to Prioritize Meaning...
Keep a journal of activities
Align values & actions when choosing what to prioritize
Focus on relationships, not just deliverables
Share “best-self” narratives with teammates